Centurion 012 664 0793
Business Assurance
An appropriately structured business assurance plan insures the sustainability of your business against unexpected or unlikely events that could befall business owners and/or key employees.

The field of business assurance solutions can be extremely complex. To avoid adverse income tax and/or estate duty treatments, it is critical to ensure that such solutions are structured correctly with the guidance of experienced and qualified advisors.

Buy and Sell Agreements

A Buy and Sell arrangement has been devised for the protection of the interest of members of a CC or shareholders interest in a private company. This provides certainty for the family of the deceased shareholder/partner as well as liquidity and an effective buy-out solution for the remaining shareholders/partners.
The death of a co-owner or partner in a business places untold strain on both the business and the surviving partners with dire consequences.
Business owners must be prepared for any eventuality that might affect their businesses, including the sudden departure of a business partner. Disaster can be avoided if business partners have an up-to-date buy and sell arrangement in place.
A buy and sell arrangement enables the remaining owners of a business to choose who their future business partners would be, while protecting the businesses’ profitability and continuity. It also gives the family of the deceased’ partner the assurance that they will receive a market related price for the deceased partner’s share of the business.

Loan Account Protection

Business usually includes loans from its owners to finance the capital structure of the business. If a business owner, is disabled, becomes critically ill or in the case of death, there is an automatic burden if the business cannot repay the loan.
The main objective of the credit loan account solution is to ensure a business which has borrowed money from an owner will be able to repay the money to the estate of the owner upon death or if you become disabled.
These loans can be covered with a life insurance policy that will enable the business to repay the loan and thus protect the capital structure of the business.

Key-person Protection

Effective and well-trained staff are vital to the success of your business, particularly those with specialist skills or knowledge.
What is a key person? A key person is someone whose absence through death or disability will have a material effect on the future of the business.
Key person insurance is a simple, cost-effective solution which provides financial security and certainty for your business in the event of death or disability of a key person in your business.

Contingent Liability Protection

Financial institutions require business owners to sign surety on behalf of the business to secure a loan (referred to as the ‘guarantor’).
The business owner/you, or your estate will be personally responsible for repaying this debt should you become disabled or in the case of death before the loan is fully paid back.
To prevent creditors from demanding payment of the loan by the deceased estate or the disabled business owner, the business takes out life and/or disability cover on the life of the business owner for the signed surety. This will ensure that your business and family will be protected.


Wills & Trusts

Short Term Insurance

Life Insurance

Estate Planning

Health Care

Document Storage

Business Assurance

Retirement Planning

Employee Benefits

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Contact us in Centurion.

1020 Pretorius Avenue

012 664 0793



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